The UFPA’s Graduate Program in Human Movement Sciences (PPGCMH) is a program inserted in area 21 of the Coordination for Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - CAPES (Physical Education, Speech Therapy, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy) and was created at UFPA through the CONSEPE Resolution N. 5.132, of January 23, 2019.
The PPGCMH aims to:
a) Develop a hybrid Graduate Program (PPG) in Physical Education and Physiotherapy in the North region, thus minimizing two recurring phenomena: the exodus of researchers graduated in the region to other places and the search for sticto sensu training in other areas of knowledge offered locally;
b) Expand and deepen the training acquired in the undergraduate course, leading to the academic degree of Master in Human Movement Sciences;
c) train professional in the area of Human Movement Sciences to improve the quality of services in the region;
d) To become an instance of critical formation in the training of professionals, aiming at the expansion of higher education and research in the region;
e) To promote the insertion of young doctors in a graduate program, providing support for the creation/strengthening of research groups and the development of high academic level studies.
The mission of the PPGCMH is: “to train professionals in stricto sensu graduate programs, focusing on the quality of knowledge production, for innovative and sustainable development, meeting the demands of expanding higher education and services in the area of human movement sciences in the Legal Amazon”. On the other hand, PPGCMH’s vision is: “To be nationally recognized for the quality of academic training with impacts on society in the North region of Brazil".
The objectives and mission of the PPGCMH are aligned with what the Graduate policy recommends in the Institutional Development Plan (PDI) of UFPA: “Formation and training of professionals with technical-scientific competence and ethical awareness for critical and autonomous professional practice that contributes to regional development with social responsibility”.
a) Masters qualified for scientific research, teaching in higher education and professional practice;
b) Professionals prepared to meet the growing demand for higher education, technological development and innovation in the area of the course, in the northern region and in other regions of the country;
c) Human resources willing to solve problems and able to insert scientific rigor in their respective professional contexts, cultivating ethics and commitment to the development of society in general.
Our program is composed of a concentration area entitled Biodynamics of Human Movement, which “(…) comprises the production of knowledge about the phenomena related to human movement to understand their outcomes in the terms of performance in the context of sport, physical activity and health and rehabilitation of movement and through it”. This area of concentration encompasses two lines of research: 1) Functional Evaluation and Rehabilitation and; 2) Sport, Physical Activity and Health.
The Functional Evaluation and Rehabilitation line of research aims to “develop research on evaluation and intervention processes based on methods and techniques for the functional rehabilitation of human movement – and also through this, observing different levels of health care”. Currently, the line has eight permanent professors – who are responsible for eight ongoing research projects, in addition to two collaborating professors.
The Sport, Physical Activity and Health research line aims to “investigate the acute and/or chronic effects of physical activity, physical exercise and sport with health or performance-related outcome in different populations”. Currently, the line has six permanent professors, who are responsible for eight ongoing research projects.